grand re opening PVC banner by Tim Mossholder via

Banners Vs Flags – Which To Choose?

Of all marketing and advertising methods employed by businesses, flag and banner printing are some of the most versatile and effective. Different shapes, sizes, and display options make them suitable for an array of advertising purposes – here is some information on the different options and merits of banner and flag printing:  Banners Banner printing […]

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large format printing press in use. Image from by Bank Phrom

Why choose local printing services? 

When it comes to choosing the right printing services for you and your business, location is one of the most important factors. Whilst many may look at price and quality of print, the location and proximity of the printer are just as important, if not more. We’ve pulled together our reasons why you should choose […]

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NCR printing and NCR pads by Colin Cross Printers in Preston

Why Large Companies Still Use NCR Printing and NCR Pads

Many businesses still use what is quite a ‘traditional’ tool of business stationery in the form of NCR pads – many different business sectors make regular use of these cost-effective and efficient business stationery items. Sometimes thought of as a useful administration tool for smaller businesses in the retail, hospitality, catering, and construction arenas, there […]

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Person designing on a laptop and graphic tablet with colour charts and sketches. Image by Theme Photos

10 tips for creating an outstanding banner

Banners are a great way to promote your business; especially at trade shows and events. Retractable roller banners are the ideal solution for advertising your products and/or service. They are cost-effective, versatile, lightweight and portable, making them an important asset in your marketing repertoire. People can read them from afar and up close and will […]

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Image of woman with long brown hair via

10 Uses For NCR Pads

NCR forms or pads are one of the most commonly-used forms of business stationery – many businesses in many different sectors make regular use of these cost-effective and efficient business stationery items. Retail, hospitality, catering, and construction businesses, or any business that needs to provide instant multiple copies of an original document, use NCR pads […]

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Vertical pop up flag for business promotion

Why fly a flag to promote your business?

Every business owner wants their brand to stand out and be noticed. And while there are many different marketing tools to consider, one that often gets overlooked is the use of flags. Whilst digital marketing is of great importance, physical and tangible marketing still holds great esteem and flying a flag with your business logo […]

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optimise your signage placement. image of coffee shop signage by rawpixel via

How To Optimise Your Signage Placement

Many businesses use different types of signage to advertise their products and services – depending upon the size and type of business you have, often dictates the size and form of signage that is most effective for your business and whether you utilise indoor or outdoor signage or a combination of the two. Whatever the […]

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