Key Design Elements in Effective Branding

Whenever you think of a well-known brand, it is almost certain you will be able to instantly identify their logo. Think of the Apple with its bite out, the primary colours of Google, the four interlinked rings of Audi or the italic script of Kellogg’s or Coca-Cola. A logo ties up neatly and succinctly the identity and image of the company and it serves as a visual prompt across all the services on offer. No-one will ever see the Michelin man and not associate him with tyres. Developing a compelling logo is a crucial step in launching a business.

Tie Everything Together

All visual elements need to be consistent. Once you are happy with your logo, its colour and its typography, those styles need to be applied across the board. Cadbury are so protective of their colour that they have patented it as “Cadbury Purple”. This reliance on a core principle will in time become very reassuring to consumers and assist in creation of brand loyalty. Consistency is essential, even, for example, in use of photographs. If you have used brightly lit and focused shots, do not then use soft focus and subtle shades.

Do Market Research

Many start-ups fall at the first hurdle because they have had a great idea but they have not taken into consideration what the market is looking for, or willing to pay for. Effective online questionnaires, such as Survey Monkey, can help identify consumer desires and this is also very helpful when deciding on brand name and image. Assumptions about people’s preferences can be easily over-ridden by such collation of data, and the insights can be invaluable.

Have a Graphic Library

This is where the devil is in the detail. If the background texture is a certain way then it must appear like that in all printed materials – same for fonts and colours. Make sure these are set up on all computers that will work with the company documentation.

Professional printers such as Colin Cross Printers are experts in this field and can guide you every step of the way in creation of a compelling brand identity that will serve you well for years to come. Contact us to find out how we can help your business.